LCA Events Calendar

  2025 Liverpool City Archers

         Events & Tournaments

                                    *Events will be available for you to register on Archers Diary 

                                      Archery Australia registered events calendarClick here

                                                    Archery NSW events calendar – Click Here

Upcoming Tournaments / Events

LCA Blacksnake Field Championships


LCA Short Distance Championships



30th March


18th May

Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 1 18th January
Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 2 25th January
Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 3 1st February
LCA Members Indoor Night series 5th February
Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 4
8th February
Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 5
15th February
LCA Members Indoor Night series 19th February
Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 6 22nd February
Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 7 1st March
LCA Members Indoor Night series 5th March
Archery Improvement & Mastery Squad- ‘AIMS’ Week 8 8th March
LCA Members Indoor Night series 19th March
LCA Members Indoor Night series 2nd April
LCA Members Indoor Night series 16th April
LCA Members Indoor Night series 30th April
LCA Members Indoor Night series 14th May
LCA Blacksnake Field Championships 30th March
LCA Short Distance Championships 18th May
LCA Christmas Party/Fun Shoot (Try Booking Food)        Register for fun shoot HERE

*Events will be available for you to register on Archers Diary 



In 2024, all events continue to be run by LCA members & volunteers not just the committee, so we need your help. If you join a club shoot in 2024, we kindly ask that each archer assists by:

  • Arriving at 8:30am for set up and not at the scheduled practice or event start time
  • Setting out the timing clocks (if required) and archer lane allocation can be completed on the day
  • Moving your own target and pinning your target face
  • Assisting new and beginner archers in the processes of events
  • Completing all score sheets in full and posting them into the score sheet box (same place as club sign in). Ensure you fill in the form correctly including all of the boxes checked, as the club recorder can not alter your sheet once completed, so your score may become invalid.
  • All scoring is to be completed on both paper and electronic devices at the event (Double score)

             If electronic scoring has failed on the day, you are required to double score on paper.

  • Packing up all equipment at the end of the event